Not everyone's path is so clear

Not everyone's path is so clear
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Uploaded by Luciano Capasso on Jan 14 2021 in Oakville
Taken on Feb 01 2019

I went to visit the Kortright Centre for Conservation in Vaughan Ontario one early morning in the winter on a brutally cold day. It was feeling like -20 something outside and I remember wearing a bunch of layers and freezing my fingers off trying to get a few photos at this location. The pine trees in this spot are pretty unique and lined up pretty uniform. I found a spot that I liked and set up my tripod and camera to capture some photos. I attached my lee filters big stopper onto the end of my lens and did a few long exposures to give a few different looks with this scenery. Depending on the time of day you go to this location you can really get different exposures and moods from this spot. I really enjoyed spending some time at this location and plan to visit again sometime in the near future.

Tagged: tree plant vegetation grove woodland land outdoors nature forest
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